Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Horse Lawnmower

          SPRING IS HERE!

No lawnmower needed!
The horse from next door loves our lawn, He comes over for a few days each week now for a month.  So we do not have to mow the lawn at all!   Great, yes? Photo from Feb 15 2013.

I took this one today. Hard to see his face but at least he was closer today

New happenings!

I  made some cute things for Easter gifts. Here are some of the baskets I made for the family.

I cut out the basket and stitched it on using large satin string. Then I glued a second handle on the inside of the first handle I stitched on. Net time I will stitch both together and through the length also to strengthen it.
Go to the Sewing tab above to see the pattern and how to. 
My daughter made some yummy cookies and brownies for every one as well. Four hours down and four hours back to my brother's house. The weather was great, sunny and no rain. Five of us in the car was really rough on the one who sat in the middle in the back. Not a true bench seat but has 3 sets of seat belts. The bench has two indents to make it like bucket seats. Guess they think the person who sits in the middle may be in a booster seat or something for a child. Oh well, next time, next month, we bring a nice pillow for the middle!

Next project:
I will be making some more felt items, specifically some felt flowers. I am trying to finish some bunnies from felt for Sunday, I only need to make one for one person. The rest I will make after that. I have 80% done as they are all cut out. I just need to glue and or sew them. Each item takes 15 minutes to 1 hour.  See the Sewing tab at the top for the bunnies.  I have to space out what I do because of the following 2 reasons:

So you see these are the two reasons I have to find time when they are napping and I am not napping. It is sort of like when you have small kids. You either are awake when they are asleep or try to do things when they are preoccupied.

I have been writing pages about my dolls, my embroidery, my vision loss, my 2002 Olympic experience as a volunteer, and how I get around as a legally blind person.  So that is 5 pages so far. I will add those stories in the stories tab above.